Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Winters Weekend


So I thought I would have a slow weekend and get some writing done, but I did not. So as I look at the calendar today I realize it is already Wednesday and I’ve got nothing wrote for this week.

I had planned on taking this past weekend to start writing about each horse. I figured with the cold weather I would be spending my weekend indoors. But it was a pleasant surprise when I got an invite from a dear friend to spend Saturday with her.

How about a little Road Trip, Zelma here we come. So off to her home town we went with a couple other adventure seekers. What a quiet country town, it was so nice getting away from the same environment. Given our town is not big, and either is the town I’m currently living in. But when you are in a town with a population of around 80 and absolutely no cell service it can be very peaceful.

The best place we saw all day was her parents’ lake, so beautiful and peaceful. Nestled down in a little valley where 4-wheel drive is a must. Sitting on the back deck of the boat house one can get lost in nature and dreams. I hope I get invited to spend some time out there this summer.


Thank you so much for a wonderful day and I hope there are many more to come.  

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            Our young stallion Bullys Streakin never gives us a dull moment. He has a Jolly Ball that he plays with all the time, but he has managed to throw it over the fence for the hundredth time. He managed to find a black piece of tarp; this is a new and fun toy for him. He will just play and play; rearing, stomping, running, dropping to his knees, he gets plumb crazy with it.

I have a short video of him playing with this, I missed the best part but this gives you a small idea of the entertainment he gives us.

I cannot wait till spring when everything quits looking so rough.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

FTRB Jan 26, 2013

      This is my first ever blog and my first attempt at blogging, lol. Well I can’t say it’s going to be great or even anything anyone will like. But I will be sharing anyway as I’d like to share and express my life. I’ll be talking about my Horses and Barrel Racing/Rodeo, Life, Happenings on the Farm and whatever else I want. J Please look past punctuation and spelling for it is not a talent of mine, and sorry if it bothers anyone I will try my best to make it correct.

As it is the first of the year what a great time to start, I hope everyone can follow as my writing may jump all around as does my mind.


       So far this past weekend and week has kept me so busy, With Barrel racing season starting back and life drama. As for the weekend it was the kick off of the FTRB (Flickerwood Team Roping and Barrels) I took two of my horses. First was my young 3 year old Dixie (Dashing Ms Dixiechic) and a older mare of my dad’s that I have been starting on the barrels. He calls her Babe but I refuse to call her by that, her registered name is Shining Dollinic.

        Let’s start with Dixie, oh where to start: Wow, grrrrr, can I just scream, well that wasn’t bad. So many emotions with her. She is something special that is for sure, I don’t want to go into too much detail about her as I’d like to use one entry just to talk about her.  She was in a mood for sure Saturday, or maybe I was to idk. As her usual she wasn’t on her best behavior, pinning her ears back and trying to kick other horses, “ I sure hope she grows out of that”. But to add to that she drug me across the barn, tried to bite me and wiggled all over the place. Given she is only 3 and a baby but still she needs better manners. But then I also have to give her some leeway as she has been out of commission for three months due to injury and lack of being ridden “due to bad weather and me not living at home nor in the same town anymore” this was her first trip back to the arena and had only been rode 4 times since she was hurt. After a fun warm up session (I’m so sorry to the young girl on the paint horse that Dixie tried to kick its head off) I had her entered to run two trainers (Trainers: cheap entry fee to run the barrel pattern but no winning, used just for training and/or experience). Entering the arena she picks up her first lead, “Excited” as this has been a problem area. Coming to the first barrel she hesitates and causing me to be slightly unseated and up over her instead of seating deep.  This is caused by her coming down on her front legs instead of her rear. But we make a nice turn and on to the second barrel. She switches leads J J this is great but again hesitates at the barrel, but I urge her on and again another turn. And lets repeat all this again for the third barrel. All in all I have to be happy with this run she clocks a 18s run slow loping the pattern and gets all her leads.
       So here comes the next run I’m thinking since we had the hesitation I’ll use the whip to just encourage her to keep her forward motion. We let’s say none of this happened. First barrel she jumps this way, then that way, hesitates and I’m up over her neck, grrrrrrrrrrr. “There is not a monster in this barrel, what are you doing silly horse.” Second barrel this way, that way, now the camera man is a monster.  She’s weaving and wiggling shaking her head the whole run, it just fell apart. So upset and feeling discouraged. :(  One good run, one bad, the score is even lol. This horse will not run, what has happened?? So back to training we go I hope next time and with warmer weather coming soon she will get it together and start making really nice runs. 


       Next we go to my Dads mare Dollinic is what I’ll call her, as Babe just isn’t happening. (Again I will write a separate entry down the road about each horse, so that you can get to know each and every one.) I had her entered into one trainer and in the Open (Open: I’m running for MONEY!!!). I have only ridden this mare about 5 times in her life and this has all been in the last 3 months. My dad started her on some slow pattern work this past summer, and as we tease him they were “stopping and smelling the roses” while running the pattern.  So I decided to take her and start putting the pressure and speed to her and see what I could get done. I’ve made two training runs on her back in November having never ridden her before. She made two nice runs, running 19s just loping really having no idea what we are doing, and being hesitant as she worries about things. So come Saturday I decide its time, lets add some speed, it will either work or fall apart.
         Her training run went good, I pushed her harder and with the little amount of work we have done the past few rides we are starting to come together as a team. She improved up to a 18s run, I’m happy with this, all barrels where left standing, the monsters where not hiding in the barrels and she made nice tight turns. Only problem she is shouldering toward the second barrel, but all this can be fixed, she’s very very green on the pattern. Then it’s on to the open run, this time I’m going to use the whip and push her as hard as I can, “it’s do or die time”. Well the more I ride this mare the more I like her. She handled the whip well gave me more speed but still tried hard and gave me nice turns. Just one problem….. The second barrel… using the whip caused her to lean harder toward the second barrel and down it goes. But before the day started I set a goal with this mare, “If I can run a 17.9 I will be very happy” guess what… She did it!!!! We ran a 17.9 yes the down barrel was bad and in the end gives us a No Time so no money, but I’m still happy. My Dad and I have a bet, he thinks this mare can’t do it, so I’m out to prove him wrong, she has so much heart and want to, so wish us luck. J
      At this time I’m not sure when I’ll being going to my next race, but I’m sure it won’t be to long down the road. But in the mean time back to the training pen we will go.

To finish up today I’ll make a short point on the Life Drama. I’m just gonna say a Bad situation turned out good. I’m very proud of this person for standing up and taking care of them self and life is soon to be back on track. You Go Girl!!!